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Preparing Your Succulents For Fall Season

Preparing Your Succulents For Fall Season

 Preparing your Succulents for Fall Transition

Some succulents absolutely thrive outdoors in the hot summer months. They soak up the summer sun to produce vibrant and lively colors and require little water unless exposed to extreme heat or too much sun.

But when the cold autumn and winter months roll around, these plants usually need to be brought indoors where they can be protected from the harsh conditions.

Transitioning your succulents from summer to fall can help to prepare them for these long months spent indoors.

Keep reading to find out more about succulent care and preparing succulents for fall season!

When Should You Bring Your Succulents Indoors?

The exact answer to this question will largely depend on your local climate. Autumn nights can bring freezing temperatures that can last into the morning after sunrise.

An important part of succulent care is protecting them from the freezing cold conditions. Soft succulents can’t handle freezing temperatures since they store so much water in their stems or leaves. Freezing the plant will damage its structure and overall health.

Your soft succulents should ideally be planted in containers and brought indoors at the first sign of cold frosty nights. Depending on where you live, this may be earlier in the fall season than in other places.

Keep an eye on the temperature and upcoming weather forecasts. Most succulents will need to be brought indoors when the temperature dips below 40℉.

However, some species are even less resistant to frost than others. Aloe, Crassula, and Echeveria are just some of these more delicate types of succulents that will need be brought indoors when temperatures dip below 45℉.

Transitioning Succulents For Fall Season

Step 1

The first step of preparing succulents for fall season is to move them inside. But before you do that, their soil should first be cleaned up and closely inspected for any signs of infestation.

Step 2

Remove any leaves, twigs, or other debris, and watch closely for signs of any insects. If you spot anything that shouldn’t be there, make sure to change the succulent’s soil, and maybe even the pot, before bringing it inside the house.

Succulent Care During Fall And Winter

Succulent care during the indoor seasons is actually quite simple. As long as the plant gets enough water and sunlight, it will thrive indoors.

Placement is crucial when transitioning your succulent inside. The best place to put it is near a window where it can receive at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight per day. As with all plants, you should also take care to keep it away from heat sources such as vents.

If you know you have cloudy seasons, invest in some full spectrum artificial grow lights.  

If your succulent is dormant you can expect to water it less during its indoor phase. Regardless of which kind it is, you should always water your succulent once its soil becomes completely dry.

Have some questions or need some help transitioning your succulents inside for the fall and winter seasons? Send us an email anytime!

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